Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jim Rohn was called Business Philosopher in America.

Jim Rohn was called " Business Philosopher in America". He influenced thousands of American millionaire through his principle of part time business.

He and Robert Kiyusaki have the same method, it is direct selling through network marketing. Networking is just a system not the means of sale. The bottom line is the PRODUCT. Even how hard you advertise or shout everywhere if the product does not solve specific needs of people you are just wasting your time. At the end it is the sale that matters and for someone to buy it must have given him benefit or value.

So product is the key and networking is just a tool. By networking it means the promotion of the product is by word of mouth and it will only happen if the benefit that the consumer experienced is impressive. So your task is to look for the best product, do not believe on a quick rich scheme that's a lie, after few years you will no longer hear those people talking about their group because they will disappear in the market place. 

This is a time of crisis so only the strong companies survive. It means they remained because their mission is right and their product delivered what it claimed, otherwise they are no longer there. If people are using it because they liked it not due to networking then those are sure indication that that company will prosper. That is the company you must be in. Those are important points so consider in this kind of business.

To put up a business is really difficult due many aspects to consider such as your expertise, machinery set up, your brand name, competition, effective man power and many more. To join in direct selling networking business is very easy and there is no capital to lose since your starting expenditure is just the membership that's all, unlike conventional business you must have million of needed capital.

So direct selling networking is a very strategic step as starting point for another business. Once you have saved enough through it then you can put up another business. That is called multiple investments, so direct selling networking is nice. It is here where Jim Rohn and Robert Kiyusaki became rich.

For the main time watch this video, listen how Jim Rohn became rich by what he called part time business.

Monday, July 9, 2012

How a Pollo Victim reached his dream?

How this man a pollo victim rose above his situation? Why most of us are suffering from financial shortages; we can not fix our homes, can not send our children to good schools, forced to do works which sometimes we don't like, WHY?

Because we ignore our problems therefore we did not take steps to solve them instead pretend to be alright. In other words we are living a life of quiet disperations. Why we do not wake up and find our happiness as this pollo victim did?

Just search for the best product, best company and use our skills. Do what we like, pursue our dreams and enjoy life because it is a gift, enjoy the gift with God who gave it. It is our choice and no need to immitate others to live a desperate life. I better imitate this man with their company, why not?

Watch this video.